Hello? Is this thing on?
I apologize for the unexplained absence. My Youngest took my camera to LA for an extended trip. She's currently galavanting around Los Angeles and its surrounding 'burbs. I hope my baby makes it back ok. (I'm sure the kid will be fine, it's the camera I'm concerned about.) (Wait, "about which I am concerned". Stupid grammar.)
As for cooking....I made some beautiful lamb, onion, and bell pepper skewers on the grill. Also some bigass steaks, and corn with chili-lime butter. Some dehydrated and microwaved crispy asparagus and mushrooms. A chestnut risotto drizzled with honey. A coconut cherry macaroon-type dessert (needle-nose pliers make great cherry-pitters). Spicy "Chinese-style" green beans. Asparagus quick-sauteed with oyster and soy sauce and garlic. Today I was going to make kung pao chicken with white rice and a cold cucumber salad, but I was asked not to cook, because it's just too damn hot.
Because I hate a post without a picture, here's my baby, sleeping on her Raider monkey.
And this is probably more suited to Twitter, but whatever, I'm already typing here - something just exploded, probably at Pendleton, and it made my windows rattle.
Kid and camera should be back in a week or so. Hope to see you then.
How'd you do the lamb? Love the dog. :)
Hi Bob - She's cute, huh? The lamb was a bone-in leg that I broke down into chunks (what a pain!), marinated in olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic, oregano, and a touch of smoked paprika. Then popped on the grill. Tasty.
Cute dog! I'm waiting for my puppy to come home. Hopefully soon...
Hi Gay - New puppy or old one returning? Either way, puppies are great. Love your blog, by the way :)
Just got my puppy a week ago. Her name is Shadow. Now there is someone to talk to, and to cook for.
Hi Gay - Hooray for new puppy!
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