Sunday, April 4, 2010

Stewed White Beans with Lamb

Almost a year ago, I bookmarked this recipe for Stewed White Beans in the May 2009 issue of Saveur. And now I'm kicking myself for waiting so long to make it.

It takes some time and planning, of course. Soak the beans overnight, then cook for an hour. After that comes the fun part - the recipe called for a lamb blade chop, but I found a package of neck bones, so I used that instead. You brown the heck out of it (yay, fond!), then add in onion, garlic, and an Italian frying pepper. The stores around here have never heard of such a beast, so I used an Anaheim. After the veggies are nice and soft, you add tomato sauce, oregano, Aleppo pepper, and grated tomatoes. Cook that down a bit, then pour in some chicken broth and the drained beans. Let the whole pot simmer to blend the flavors, then remove the lamb, pull off the meat, and return it to the pot.

I think my Aleppo pepper is a little old, because I could barely detect the characteristic smokiness, so I added in some smoked paprika to augment it.

This would be a great dish next to some sauteed greens, broccoli rabe, etc. Or just next to a piece of toast. Or with a fried egg. Oh yeah, a fried egg. Stay tuned...


Bob said...

Sounds good from here, I love lamb and just recently found out I like beans too. Heh. I can totally see that with a fried egg, too.

Vicki said...

Bob - I've always liked the combo of lamb and beans together. You might like this recipe at Epicurious, with white beans on the side. I'm not even going to link to my post on it b/c my pictures are terrible :)