I apologize for the terrible picture, but I was fighting off vultures with one hand and holding the camera with the other.
The outside layer got nicely caramelized, while the inside was dense and moist. The layer of apples that was on the top while baking, flipped to the bottom when removed from the tin, was slightly crispy and utterly delicious.
And yes, use the cup of veggie oil. Don't substitute with applesauce. I was tempted, but in the end said what the hell, you only turn 14 once. It was decadently delicious.
Youngest said "OMG you have to make this every day", and Hubby said "This is the best apple cake I've ever had". Ringing endorsements, if you ask me.
And with the extra apple I had purchased, I made dehydrated apple crunchies. Slice 'em thin (more than 1/8", less than 1/4"), sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, and bake in a single layer at really low heat (180-200), until they're only barely flexible. Remove them (carefully, they stick) from the baking sheet, and let dry. They'll lose their last bit of softness as they cool, and turn into the "apple chips" you can buy for $2 a bag at the store.
Ah, you did end up making it. Now you're making want to make another apple cake. It's the best recipe, isn't it?
Hey WC - It was amazing, thanks for the link!
Oh man, I love applecake! I'm snagging that recipe. :)
Hey Bob - Please do, it's sooo good. Wicked good, even :)
I'd ask for a slice, but I'm sure the vultures devoured it.
Hey Betts - In record time :)
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