Monday, November 22, 2010

Dried Ghost Chiles

So after making the hot sauce with the ghost chiles from Marx Foods, I still had a few chiles left over. Having absolutely no idea what to do with them, I figured I could dry them in the oven. (I saved the seeds, sending some to friends, and keeping the rest for myself to plant in a few months.)

My oven only goes down to 170, but I wanted to dry them at a lower temperature, about 150, so I stuck a wooden spoon in the oven door. Once again, I feel I must warn all of you about the fumes. My entire kitchen was filled with eye-tearing, throat-choking evilosity. (Yes, evilosity is a word, because I said so.)

So now these pretty chiles are safely stored in a baggie in my pantry until the next time I feel like spicing up dinner.

Aside: My Youngest told me: "You are not allowed to snort that line of seeds."


Christo Gonzales said...

I am drying my nag jkolokoa or whaterver too - I am air drying mine - those little bitches are hot - and you can pardon my chile on that one.....

Vicki said...

Hey doggybloggy - The dangers we put ourselves in...we must be crazy :)

tigerfish said...

Ghost chiles? What a weird name ;p

Vicki said...

Hi tigerfish - From what I've seen, it's an error in translation. See here.