Ever since I shipped my baby to Japan for sharpening, I can't seem to do anything right in the kitchen. Even things that don't require a knife! I just know that if I needed it, it's not here. That's how messed up I am.
Knifeless Goof #1: I was trying to fry an egg to top a bacon, avocado, lettuce and tomato sandwich, and I spilled bacon grease, nearly starting a fire. While cleaning up, I overtoasted the bread. The roof of my mouth hurts.
Knifeless Goof #2: I forgot about the pot of black lentils, and cooked them to a weird sort of desiccated mush, nearly burning the bottom of the pot.
Knifeless Goof #3: I tried to make granola. Look at that beautiful shade of burnt.
And I was stupid enough to think it would be ok, and mixed in the raisins and dried dragonfruit before I tasted it. Ugh.
I want my knife back!
Momma said there'd be days like this. Maybe you could go out to eat tomorrow?
Hi Betts -
Heck, yes! And I've got a $50 gift certificate to a good local sushi place. Perfect.
I use a $2.39 Kiwi brand knife from the Asian grocery store. Very sharp. Maybe you want to try it while your knife is being sharpened? If you don't like it, you don't waste money.
Hi WC - I've got other knives - a KitchenAid set, a Mac santoku, a small 4" blade that came with a "sushi set". But they're just not the same :) However, now that I know they exist, I have to get a Kiwi.
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