I had everything except the pecans...but I did have sliced almonds, left over from a disastrous chicken recipe that shall not be talked about.
So, in an effort to block that horrific poultry concoction from my brain, I headed back to the kitchen, bound and determined to make something tasty.
And I did. Thanks, Foodista!
One of my favorite cookies--no matter what you wanna call it (Russian Tea Cake? Mexican Wedding Cake? Snowball? Armenian Sugar Cookie? ALL DELICIOUS!)
Hi Cakespy! I never like them growing up, I think maybe it's the pecans. But I love the almond version. Next I'm going to try adding lime zest :)
Yeah I think we called these Mexican Wedding Balls & we had them every Christmas too
I've been making these every Christmas for years. My SIL threatens not to come to my house if I don't make them. They're her favorite.
Hi Kat & Betts - I think there's a version of these in almost every culture - I'm glad I found a good recipe for them!
That looks good! ;)
WC, I'm ashamed of you :)
What? *Blinking innocently.* It does look good. :)
i love these because the look like winter and remind me of christmas. thanks for putting me in a happy mood :]
Hi mysweetestday -
I don't know why I haven't made these since moving to CA - they're a perfect substitute for real snowballs - better, even! Thanks for visiting!
Man, I made 16 of these suckers and rolled them in granulated sugar because I was out of the icing variety and they were absolutely delicious! Thanks for the great recipe!
Hey Jimmy -
I'm glad you enjoyed Foodista's recipe :) Thanks for visiting!
Thanks, Viki! I always thought those were called snowballs as well. For everyone here at Foodista,
- Colin
Hey Colin - Thanks for a great recipe!
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