I replaced the 4T of buttermilk with about double the amount of thick Greek yogurt, and didn't do the frosting - no buttermilk, cream cheese, or apple cider currently in my fridge, and I feel too crappy to go to the store. And I left out the pecans, because I'm either out, or couldn't find them.
These are delicious. I didn't taste the cheddar, but I blame that on a combination of my stupid virus and my supermarket cheese. What I did taste was soft sweet apples and yummy spices. And now I'm bemoaning my lack of cream cheese, because I'm sure they'd be even more delicious with cider-spiked frosting on top.
This one stays bookmarked so I can do it justice in the future (and hopefully get a decent picture).
I'll go to the store and get cream cheese for you if you give me a muffin. Yum!
The combination certainly sounds good together
Betts - You're so sweet, I'll give you a half dozen :)
Kat - I'm going to have to try again when I can taste stuff (and get some killer cheese).
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