See all the lovely peaches?
Don't you just want to reach out a take a bite?
Don't. They don't taste good. I don't know what happened, but this is the 2nd year that my peaches have ripened way too early (they're only about 2 inches in diameter), and have absolutely no flavor. Anybody have any hints?
Wow, that is early! (Just checked my blog for when my neighbors' peaches were ripe last year: It was early August! I didn't think you were that far ahead, climate-wise, but I guess you are.)
Hi Kitt -
It makes me miss the more northern latitudes - I'd rather have snow than yucky peaches any day!
Whoa! My nectarines look like little fuzzy almonds. No where near that big!
Hi WC -
Big, yes. Tasty, no. I'm sad.
my peaches are still the size of golf balls...i don't think they're gonna make it. :(
Hi Tanya -
Hope yours turn out better than mine!
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