It looks like whatever did it broke the skin a little, but she doesn't shy away from me touching it, so I think it's ok. Will just have to keep an eye on it for a few days...
And now the honorable food mention - I came home today from a grueling day at work, to find the most delicious chicken salad I've ever tasted waiting in the fridge. Made a sandwich with toasted wheat bread, provolone, peperoncini, and sprouts. Mmm...
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to elevate my knee(s), and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the evening.
How nice to have dinner waiting for you!
Poor kitty. Maybe put some peroxide on that spot.
Looks like Bad Kitty had a narrow escape!
Hey Kitt & Zoomie -
I think I'll try peroxide tonight, followed up with Neosporin for a couple days. And try to keep her inside. Ha!
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