I found the recipe on Hey, that tastes good!, and bookmarked it immediately. I have no idea why it took me so long to make this. I feel the need to make up for lost time and make it every day for a week.
3 ingredients - bacon, brown sugar and chili powder. Bake.
Absolutely amazing. I want to put it on top of fried rice. I want to crumble it on top of clam chowder, or a salad. I want to put it in ice cream.

But instead I settled for having it on top of a cornmeal & black pepper cracker (see next post for the crackers, they're delicious too!). Once you let the bacon cool, the sugar makes it pleasantly chewy (and possibly bad for teeth with fillings), and you also get the slight after-burn from the chili powder. This is my new favorite addiction.
I had chocolate bacon, and now this. Who knew bacon was so versatile? It's not just for breakfast anymore.
Hi Betts - I've got a bacon furikake recipe I need to try too. I love bacon :)
Hmmm, maybe a Super Bowl treat?
Hi Kat - Perfect! I think it would go great in this Tiki Snack Mix from Food & Wine.
Wuauuuu...ist realy wonderful!!!
Want want want want WANT!
Er, that is to say, I think that would be quite good. :)
Hola Kako - Gracias!
Hi Bob - :)
Oh goodness, this would be AWESOME in ice cream.
Hi Jenn - With a salted caramel swirl, I think :)
All I can say is OHHHH MY ! Looks like a Winner to me.
Hi MaryBeth - Definitely a winner :)
A friend of ours has been bringing bags of this crack to our events... Nothing makes a big, sweaty viking who's been fighting all day run faster than the words "Candied bacon".
And yes Betts is correct, chocolate bacon! Try it if you haven't. Fry bacon, pat dry, dip in chocolate, let it cool. The salty smokey meat works amazingly well with sweet chocolate.
Hey Desco - If I ever run across a viking, I'll make sure to test that. And how about adding Aleppo pepper to the melted chocolate before dipping?
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